Group of plants ready to be planted

What We Do

Topographic pattern

Working to sustain the natural world

“The passion to engage young people and encourage them to consider conservation as a responsibility ignited my efforts to form a platform where i could reach learners and exchange ideas on environment issues. Volunteering at AFEW-Kenya gave me a platform to earn money which helped me to fund the initiative.” -Mourice Barasa Founder of MYoung


schools we have visited since 2019


students the MYoung team has been able to teach


audience we have spread the word to about our initiative

Our Goals

Recognizing that the problems facing our planet are increasingly more complex and urgent, MYoung focuses its work on four ambitious goals. Through this integrative approach, we can challenge the planet’s greatest threats and ensure a healthy future for people and nature.

Create environment conscious communities

Enhance gender equity in environmental sustainability

Achieve a generation that is aware of impact of indigenous knowledge on education for sustainable development

Create a pollution-free environment for better health and livelihood

Other Resources